Decaturville Elementary School hosted their first Family Fun and Instructional Night (FFIN) for the 2022-2023 school year. This is a night that is hosted regularly to involve parents in the education of their children and to offer different topics and tips for helping students succeed. Because this is meant to be for the entire family, there is always fun and engaging activities prepared for the students so that parents can have that time to learn about their child's education and how to help them achieve their best. The parents had a session on "Wait til 8th". This is a project that encourages parents to wait until 8th grade to give their child a cell phone. Then, parents went to the classrooms for a short PowerPoint on the standards coming up during the first semester. The students completed an art project during this time. Overall, the first FFIN was a great success said DES Principal, Melinda Thompson.
DES hosts first Family Fun and Instructional Night
August 29, 2022