Go vote for Ethan Quinn as the Jackson Sun athletes of the week!!!
PAID Sheets for Week of Oct. 17-21
Join us tonight at Larry Barrett Stadium as our Riverside Panthers take on the Adamsville Cardinals at 7:00pm. Tonight is the pink out game so let's deck out the stadium in Pink in support of Breast Cancer and cheer on the Panthers to another victory!
Principal Points 10/14
Regarding messages sent out earlier: the message about hat day is for Riverside students and special snack is for DCMS. Sorry for the confusion!
Special snack tomorrow: Pizza $2 and drinks $1.
Next week we will celebrate Unity Day and Down Syndrome Awareness Week. We will have three special "dress up" days county wide in which we can all show our support for our students with Down Syndrome! Please show these students how much they are loved and cared for!
Principal Points 10/13
There are a few buses that are behind schedule this afternoon due to the incoming storm. They are all on the road now, and are delivering students home safely.
Baseball tryouts are canceled today. They will be Friday 3:00-4:30.
Due to storms starting after school, baseball tryouts are canceled for today and moved to Friday, 3:00-4:30
Principal Points 10/12
Principal Points 10/11
Friday, 10/14--- Report Card Day!!!
Friday, 10/14---- Special Snack Day! Pizza Slice $2/Drink $1
Wednesday, 10/12--- WEAR PURPLE!!!!! This is in recognition of our Key of the Month: Speak with Good Purpose.
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month! Look for announcements this week about special "dress-up" days as we celebrate our students with Down Syndrome who are wonderfully made!
Please go vote for Ansley Pratt for the Jackson Sun Athlete of the Week!
Principal Points 10/10
Reminder: Middle school baseball tryouts will be Monday 10/10 and Wednesday 10/12 from 3-5 pm.