Everyone come out to support the National Champion Dance Team tonight as they parade through town from RHS to Ace at 8:00pm! Line the streets and cheer them on!!!
12 months ago, Decatur County Schools
Principal Points 2/6
about 1 year ago, Tina Smith
There will be a parade for the National Champion dance team, Wednesday night, 2/7, at 8pm. The parade will go from RHS to Ace! Line the streets and cheer them on!!!
about 1 year ago, Decatur County Schools
ROAR Dance this Friday, 2/9/24!!!
about 1 year ago, Brandi Smith
ROAR Dance
ROAR Dance
The Decatur County School System is seeking applicants for Decatur County Middle School Head Football Coach Position.  Applicants should submit a detailed resume that includes previous employment experience and all Tennessee teacher license certifications.  Only applicants with a current Tennessee Teacher license will be considered for the position. All certifications are encouraged to apply.  Applications may be filled out online at www.decaturcountyschools.com under the Employment tab.  Resumes should be sent to Hugh Smith, Human Resources Supervisor, Decatur County Board of Education, 59 West Main Street, P.O. Box 369, Decaturville, TN or emailed to hugh.smith@decaturschools.org. The deadline for submitting an application is Friday, February 23, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Decatur County Schools
Principal Point 2/5
about 1 year ago, Tina Smith
It is National CTE Month and DCSS wants to highlight some of the amazing programs we have in CTE! What is CTE? Career-Technical Education includes any programs that prepare students for college and career in a specific industry! In Decatur County, we have Human-Social Services, Veterinary Science, Agriculture Mechanics, Advanced Manufacturing, Electrical/Plumbing, HVAC, Networking/Cabling, and Nursing Services. Most of these programs are dual-enrollment for all four years, earning students college credits, credentials, or licenses! We also have CTE in our middle school! Each day, we will highlight a different program and teacher! #ourstudentourstory #ourpeopleourpurpose #nationalctemonth
about 1 year ago, Decatur County Schools
If you have not already done so, please use this link or call the BOE office at 852-2391 to answer a brief question to see if we qualify for the USDA grant for free meals. Answers remain confidential. https://forms.gle/NTKWqzBwf84wpRhz8
about 1 year ago, Decatur County Schools
Congratulations to the RHS Dance team for winning the National Championship in Jazz!! We are so proud to have NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!
about 1 year ago, Decatur County Schools
The Decatur County School System is seeking applications for a Substitute School Nurse.   Applicants must have an Active LPN or RN license with experience in Pediatric Nursing preferred.  Apps can be filled out on our website!  The deadline for submitting an application is Friday, February 16, 2023.
about 1 year ago, Decatur County Schools
PAID Sheets for the Week of 2/5
about 1 year ago, Tina Smith
Principal Points 2/2
about 1 year ago, Tina Smith
Principal Points 2/1
about 1 year ago, Tina Smith
Principal Points 1/31
about 1 year ago, Tina Smith
Principal Points 1/30
about 1 year ago, Tina Smith
Principal Points 1/29/24
about 1 year ago, Brandi Smith
Principal Points 1/29/24
DCS is looking at the USDA grant for free meals at school. To qualify, we must have a certain percentage qualify. If each house can take a survey, it will help us to see if we qualify. Please use this link or call the BOE office at 852-2391 to answer. Answers remain confidential. https://forms.gle/NTKWqzBwf84wpRhz8
about 1 year ago, Decatur County Schools
PAID Sheets for the Week of 1/29
about 1 year ago, Tina Smith
Principal Points 1/26
about 1 year ago, Tina Smith
The Decatur County School System is seeking applications for Custodial Workers.  Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED prior to employment and successfully pass a TBI fingerprint background screening. The applicant will also need a completed Health Screening Physical Form from a licensed Physician.  Applications may be filled out online at  www.decaturcountyschools.com under the Employment tab, Noncertified Application, or downloaded and sent to Hugh Smith, Human Resources Supervisor, at Decatur County Board of Education, 59 West Main Street, Decaturville, TN 38329 or emailed to hugh.smith@decaturschools.org.  The deadline for submitting an application is February 2, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Decatur County Schools