Teacher of the Month

Nancy Box is no stranger to education or to Decatur County.  She has spent her vast career serving the students of Decatur County Schools in various capacities.  Mrs. Box began her career as a Reading and English teacher and has spent the latter half of her time as an English as a Second Language teacher, working with our non-English speaking students.  Nancy has spent 29 years teaching in Decatur County and her approach to education has always been student centered. “My philosophy of education has evolved somewhat over the years.  I have always desired to teach students in a manner that is easy for them to understand and ultimately learn from.  Lately though, in teaching English to speakers of other languages, I have discovered the challenges are even greater, and many other factors are involved in learning.  With the added difficulties of not understanding the language, living and adjusting to life in a new country, and trying to keep up academically, I have realized how much harder learning can be.  Now, I try to help students in more areas than just learning academics,” said Mrs. Box.

When asked about her favorite part of working in Decatur County Schools she said, “Decatur County has some of the most loving and kind students!  They quickly friend and try to assist our newcomers.  I appreciate the caring attitude of our teachers, too.  They bend over backwards to help these students.  My favorite part of teaching is helping children be happy and enjoy learning.”  Decatur County Schools is proud to award Mrs. Nancy Box the inaugural Teacher of the Month award for the district.