
Decatur County Pre-K Program
The Decatur County Pre-k Program provides an educational program that integrates hands-on learning and activities into the curriculum. Our classrooms will offer a variety of activities to promote the develop language, literacy, writing and math skills, physical and social emotional skills in various domains to form foundation for success in school.
Develop necessary language skills. This will help with cognition, understanding spoken language to communicate and solve problems and develop early literacy skills.
Establish relationships with other children and adults. This encourages friendships, cooperation with others, and learning social skills and rules that will help them as they get older.
Demonstrate confidence and independence.
Promote physical development of fine motor and gross motor skills (small and large muscles). This helps children recognize the importance of healthy lifestyles.
Develop early literacy skills. This lays the foundation for reading and writing.
Develop math skills. Children will gain an understanding of numbers, shapes, quantities, sequencing, time, patterns and problem solving.
Develop science skills. Hand-on activities will help children explore their senses; understand movement, weight, volume, and where they and animals live.
Understand social studies concepts. Children will gain a sense of their role in being a family member, discover how they are alike and different, learn how to get along and share responsibilities, follow rules and cooperate. They will also become aware of people in their community such as policeman, firefighter, doctor, etc…
Explore the creative arts. Understand that they can be creative through art, music and dance. They can imitate “real-life” through dramatic play by taking on roles of people in their life.
The Decatur County Pre-k Program provides a hands-on curriculum and experiences to ensure success of each child in the areas of language, academic, sensory and socialization skills. The Pre-k program goals are to:
Engage and inform parents
Encourage effective communication between parents and the teacher
Provide a comprehensive curriculum that fosters a child’s ability to learn in all content areas and build language and social skills required to be successful in the classroom and outside the classroom
Promote positive relationships with peers and adults
Align program and assessments with the Tennessee Early Childhood Learning Standards
Admission Requirements
Birth Certificate or acceptable proof of age - (Tennessee Office of Vital Records)
Immunization (shot record) must be up-to-date and on a Tennessee Certificate of Immunization Form - See new immunization requirements below
Physical (within 12 months of school starting)
Proof of Residency (current utility bill, lease, etc.) must be resident of Davidson County
Social Security Card or Number (optional)
Proof of Income (1040 form on which child name is listed, Family First Case Number, Food Stamp Number, etc.)
Assessment (scheduled by the school)
Note: Your child must be 4 years old on or before August 15th of the current school year in order to be eligible for Pre-Kindergarten.
State Statutory Rights of Parents and Students
Contact Information
Leslie Box, Pre-K Director
Decatur County Board of Education
59 West Main Street
Decaturville, Tennessee 38329
Parsons Elementary
Angela Inman, Teacher
Torie Renfroe, Teacher
Decaturville Elementary
Stephanie Evans, Teacher
Kristy Funderburk, Teacher